November has been a very good month, when it comes to heavy and atmospheric music. Three bands caught my attention. Two bands can roughly be categorized in the “Post-Something”-Metal genre (Eleanora and Kiova) while Concede provides a relentless onslaught from start to finish.

Band: Eleanora
Album: Mere
Genre: Screamo / Sludge / Post-Metal
Country: Belgium
Release Date: 6th of November, 2020
Released via: Consouling Sounds / Dunk! Records
Cover Artwork: © Consouling Sounds / Dunk! Records
Painting is a fine art. With the combination of different brushes, colours and skill a talented artist can paint the same motive in countless ways. Although he or she shares the same genre or era, the results won‘t be the same.
Eleanora choose to paint their pictures with Screamo, Post-Rock and Sludge brushes and create an intriguing work of art, that should be considered by anyone who likes those aforementioned brushes.

Band: Kiova
Album: Empty Fields and smoke filled Skies
Genre: D-Beat / Post-Metal
Country: Finland
Release Date: 30th of October, 2020
Released via: Off-Records / Maniyax Records
Cover Artwork: © Off-Records / Maniyax Records
From the frosty north Kiova come to darken your day with their new EP Empty Fields and smoke filled Skies. Caught somewhere between D-Beat and Post-Metal epic-ness, Kiova carve their niche with this great three-track EP. A fitting description would be a crossing between Disfear and Oathbreaker around the Eros | Anteros era.
Although “only” being an EP, this release offers a lot, when it comes to variety and tension. This EP is highly recommended for the dark days of autumn, with the occasional storms and sparse sunbeams. Dive deep into the dark universe Kiova create with this great EP.

Band: Concede
Album: Indoctrinate
Genre: Hardcore / Powerviolence / Grindcore
Country: Australia
Release Date: 20th of November, 2020
Released via: Petrichor Records / Napalm Records
Cover Artwork: © Petrichor Records / Napalm Records
From the frosty north, to the heat of Down Under. Concede are here to bash your ears with their new album Indoctrinate. This release has been on Bandcamp since May but now the time has come for the physical release. Better late than never I stumbled upon this great band.
From the cover you can assume that this record won’t be an easy-listening experience. Indoctrinate offers a lot for those who need a quick fix of violent, hard-hitting tunes with a lot of grit. If you are looking for the musical equivalent of “biting the curb”, you can now do it with your ears (in a very good way!).
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