10. Usud – As Old as the Hills
Right out of nowhere, this release was sent to us pretty much at the end of the year. Since 2019 was a MASSIVE Death Metal year (just check Tobi’s list), I also spent a lot of time listening to many different releases / demos. This release, though,offered a wide variety when it comes to playing with certain Death Metal styles, which is why it definitely is worth a listen !

9. Constellatia – Language of Limbs
It took some time to get into this album (which is no bad signal at all), but having given time – this album showcases a perfect balance between gritty darkness and absolute beauty.

8. La Dispute – Panorama
Again, it took a lot time, reading of the lyrics and listening to open up for this record (as usual for me with La Dispute albums). It is, however, a nice combination of stylistic elements we have seen from La Dispute on previous records and again a captivating story.

7. Blood Incantation – Hidden History of the Human Race
I was already in favor of their widely acclaimed previous release Starspawn, but having listened to many Death Metal releases this year, I thought it might distort the reception of this one. Nope – massive album from front to back wildly oscillating between heavy riffs and inhumane melodies.

6. Sedimentum – Demo 2019
While digging through the Death Metal demos of 2019, the tape by Sedimentum was the most striking one to me. Apart from the incredibly raw production in general, this tape sounds as if it is coming right from the cavern – yet everything is absolutely at its place. I hope to be able to listen to some more Sedimentum in 2020.

5. PUP – Morbid Stuff
In March this year, fellow TMB author Maik gave me PUP’s self-titled debut LP as a birthday present and I immediately fell in love ever since. This release had so many different positive aspects even next to the funny lyrics and decent sound, it just needs to mentioned in this list.

4. Witch Vomit – Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave
I guess in about 2018 I first listened to Poisoned Blood by Witch Vomit and was all hyped up because of the release of this album in 2019. And well – nothing more to say – all expectations were fulfilled, this is some filthy-ass Death Metal right from the bottomless grave.

3. Waving the Guns – Das muss eine Demokratie aushalten können
Having experienced the political situation in Germany, Europe and all over the world in 2019 was predominantly massive bullshit. Thus, Waving the Guns served with the soundtrack for the entire year with their latest release (roughly translated “This is what a Democracy is supposed to be able to endure”) presenting on-point lyrics for any political situation that might piss you off in combination with smooth and jazzy Boombap sounds.

2. Tomb Mold – Planetary Clairvoyance
Although I was more hyped about the upcoming Witch Vomit release at the beginning of 2019, it eventually was this Tomb Mold release that surprised me even more. The combination of raw and filthy Death Metal with experimental settings and a bold technicality made this record to an ever-spinning release to me.

1. Downfall of Gaia – Ethic of Radical Finitude
It’s no secret to the entire Team TMB that I have been a Downfall of Gaia fanboy for quite a long time already. Although people argued about the previous two releases, I also was in love with both of them. This album, however, was even one more step up compared to the previous albums (how was that even possible?) and is in my opinion an absolute landmark for the entire Post-Black Metal genre. If you slept on this album during 2019, make sure to start off 2020 right by immediately listening.
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