Band: Primitive Blast
Album: Animalistic EP
Genre: Hardcore Punk
Country: Australia
Release date: 17th of July 2020
Released via: Last Ride Records / Triple B Records
Cover Artwork: © Sam Octigan
You can sit back and relax, because thanks to Primitive Blast the Hardcore-Punk summer is saved. Their new Animalistic EP delivers the perfect soundtrack to hang out in the sun and give in to a bad mood. These Australians have kept their fans waiting for almost three years for a new record, but now they are finally back with their stomping hardcore hymns that musically lie somewhere between The Flex, Rival Mob and Youth Avoiders.
Whenever I listen to Primitive Blast, which actually happens quite often with the S/T, I just want to stomp the floor a meter further down and smash everything that gets in my way. The songs of Animalistic are no different, because like on previous releases you are picked up with ultra-aggressive Hardcore-Punk, whose barking vocals almost hurt, scream all frustration from the soul and are also great for singing along. In comparison to the rather short tracks, the Australians deliver a lot of lyrics, which are brought out in the form of angry sounding chanting.
The vocals are supported by a guitar playing that is a little exotic but still brings out extremely nasty melodies and fits perfectly to the rest of the setting. The side-to-side parts, on the other hand, are characterized by the interplay of the dull, swirling, intensively played drums and the super catchy bass lines. Especially the bass makes for a high recognition value of the sound and gives Primitive Blast a thick 80s punk spirit.
If you are already a fan of the band, you’ll get six new tracks, which, as usual, invite you to shadow boxing and continue the raw sound of the Australians without really changing it, which, in my opinion, wasn’t necessary.
On LAST RIDE RECORDS and TRIPLE B RECORDS you can get the record of the Animalistic EP – which you should definitely do if you like straightforward punk. Primitive Blast are definitely one of the most exciting hardcore bands you can find down under and definitely deserve more attention than they have received so far. An absolutely ingenious, just bursting with energy, NWOBHC record, with enough independence to stay in your ears for a long time!

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