Artist: Abest
Album: Bonds Of Euphoria
Genre: Post-Metal
Country: Germany
Release date: 22th of November, 2019
Released via Moment of Collapse Records, This Charming Man
Cover artwork © Moment of Collapse Records, This Charming Man 2019
Let’s face it, a lot of humans are ugly. So it comes as no surprise, that the beauty industry is a huge one. Squillions of Euros/Dollars are spent on making people looking less ugly. The ways to achieve that are plentiful to say the least : you can get your face fixed by a surgeon, you can pop pills to keep yourself fresh on the inside or use one of those skin products to keep it clean and young-looking.
Listening to Abest‘s new Album Bonds Of Euphoria is like a peeling for your ears. A peeling consisting of rust particles and tiny stones, rubbed into and onto your ears.
Bonds of Euphoria marks the second full-lenght release of the Göttingen trio Abest, following three years after their Last EP.
Starting with the opener „Endure“, which shows a lot of what is great with this record: progression in heaviness. Like the peeling, it gets deeper and deeper, the longer you listen to it, until there‘s not much left of your ears (in a good way). Another great song in this regard is „Dread“.
„Lockjaw“ on the other hand is more like an express program. Clocking in in under three minutes, you get what you deserve the fast way: instead of massively massaging it into your ears, it just throws the peeling into your face.
Bonds Of Euphoria sees Abest crafting their vision of Post-Metal. It‘s a very bleak, dark one but oddly satisfying. Once finished, you want to keep your ears clean and get into this peeling again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
8 / 10
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