Band: | Kludde |
Release: | De Horla |
Genre: | Black Metal |
Country: | Belgium |
Release Date: | 31st of March, 2023 |
Released via | Consouling Sounds |
Cover Artwork | Consouling Sounds |
Good ideas sometimes take their time. Roughly 17 or 18 years ago, ex-band-member Uglúk had the idea that is now the fundament of this album: a witch, who isn’t that picky with her choice of (sexual) partners spawns a hideous creature named “de horla”. And now, 3 years after the critically acclaimed In de Kwelm, Kludde are here to tell this grueling story with the help of atmospheric Black Metal. They even created a graphic novel (together with visual artist Wesley Dewanckel) for it that you can pre-order along with the album (seen below).

The story of De Horla is told in three epic Black Metal tracks divided by two haunting interludes. Those “Verlaten” interludes are a great transition as they provide the emotional shift between those three acts.
“Horla I: Over lust” serves as a great introduction. Four minutes of foreboding guitars and vocals that convey the darkness that lies within this story. Then all hell / Horla breaks loose and blast beats combined with ferocious guitars take over.
“Horla II: Over haat” is pure Black Metal bliss: no slowing down, straight into the abyss. Sonically the monster has you in its hands and shakes every bit of life out of you.
The second “Verlaten” interlude announces it, this won’t end well. “Horla III: Over wraak” is the great finale of this horrifying story. Just like “Horla I: Over lust“, the third part takes its time before the blasting and thrashing conclusion hits you.
Kludde’s third album is a great scary tale to listen to. Although most of the tracks are relentless, it never gets dull. The glooming mood Kludde create and the small shifts and changes within the songs combined with the graphic novel make this a unique package. Every fan of morbid tales and modern, atmospheric Black Metal should set their ears and eyes onto this.
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