Category: Shoegaze
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Perturbator – Lustful Sacraments (Recommendation)

Peasant & Grimoires (Double Recommendation)

Timelost – Gushing Interest (Recommendation)

Post-Black Metal, Post-Metal, Post-Punk, Post-Rock, Shoegaze, Sludge Metal
Three in a Row [Strega Nona, Pothamus and Bedroom Wounds]

Far Away From All of This – Outward Bound (Recommendation)

Post-Hardcore, Post-Metal, Post-Rock, Screamo, Shoegaze
Ten Songs to Know – Envy

Alternative, Punk, Rock, Screamo, Shoegaze
Deathwish Double: Frail Body & Greet Death (Review)

Post-Hardcore, Punk, Rock, Shoegaze
Rest as Mutes – A Secret History Of Our Future (Review)

Black Metal, Post-Black Metal, Post-Rock, Shoegaze